Research Areas


DNA Damage Response

DNA Damage Response (DDR) encompasses a series of cellular processes used to detect and correct damage to the genome, which can be caused by normal metabolic activities or environmental factors. DNA damage can affect gene transcription, genome stability, and the survival of daughter cells. Failures in DNA repair mechanisms can lead to malignant tumors or cancers. There are various types of DNA damage, such as single-strand breaks (SSBs), double-strand breaks (DSBs), and DNA crosslinkages, and cells have evolved different pathways to repair each type. The strong link between tumorigenesis and DDR pathways has made it a focal area of interest for pharmaceutical companies over the past decade. ICE Bioscience continues to expand its platform in this critical area, understanding its significance in drug discovery and development.

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Our DDR Integrated Drug Discovery Services


To learn more about our comprehensive DDR service capabilities, please download our brochure.


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