Cell Based Assays


Wound Healing (Scratch) Assays

The Wound Healing Assay, also known as the Scratch Assay, is a simple yet powerful method for studying cell migration and tissue regeneration. This assay simulates wound healing by creating a "scratch" or "gap" in a confluent cell monolayer and observing how cells migrate to fill the wound over time. It is widely used in research related to tissue repair, cancer metastasis, and cell migration dynamics.

How the Wound Healing Assay Works

Creating the Wound: A scratch is made across a confluent monolayer of cells using a pipette tip or other tool, creating a gap or "wound" in the cell layer.

Cell Migration: After the scratch is made, the cells on the edges of the wound begin to migrate inward to close the gap. This migration process is monitored over time to assess the rate of wound closure.

Quantification: The progression of wound closure is typically measured using time-lapse microscopy, and the area of the wound is quantified at various time points to determine the rate of cell migration.


Applications of the Wound Healing Assay

Tissue Regeneration: Study the processes involved in tissue repair and wound healing, including the effects of growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive compounds.

Cancer Research: Evaluate the migratory potential of cancer cells, providing insights into the mechanisms of metastasis and the impact of anti-cancer drugs on cell motility.

Drug Screening: Screen and evaluate the efficacy of compounds that promote or inhibit cell migration, aiding in the development of therapies for wound healing, fibrosis, and cancer.

Key Features of Our Wound Healing Assay Services

High-Resolution Imaging: We utilize advanced imaging techniques to capture high-resolution images of wound closure, enabling precise quantification of cell migration.

Customizable Conditions: Tailor the assay to your specific needs by adjusting cell types, culture conditions, and treatment regimens to study various aspects of cell migration.

Quantitative Analysis: Our sophisticated image analysis software provides accurate measurements of wound area, migration rate, and cell behavior, ensuring reliable and reproducible data.

Expert Support: Our team of experienced scientists is available to guide you through every step of the process, from experimental design to data interpretation.

Contact Us

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