Target Based Assays


Histone deacetylases (HDACs)

Background: Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are critical enzymes involved in the regulation of gene expression through the removal of acetyl groups from histone proteins. This deacetylation process plays a vital role in chromatin remodeling and, consequently, in the regulation of various cellular processes, including cell cycle progression, differentiation, and apoptosis. Aberrant HDAC activity is linked to numerous diseases, particularly cancer, making HDACs attractive targets for therapeutic intervention.

Detection of HDAC Activity: Our HDAC enzyme activity assays utilize advanced Fluorescence Intensity (FI) technology to detect catalytic activity. The process involves attaching a fluorescent dye molecule to a peptide segment containing acetylated lysine. This attachment quenches the fluorescence signal. Upon catalytic action by HDACs, the acetyl group is removed, leading to the release of the fluorescent signal from the deacetylated peptide segment. This increase in fluorescence directly reflects the activity of the HDAC enzyme, providing a sensitive and accurate measure of its catalytic function.

Quality Control and System Validation: To ensure the reliability and accuracy of our HDAC assays, we incorporate FDA-approved drugs as quality control molecules. These control substances help verify the stability and sensitivity of our system, ensuring that the results we obtain are highly consistent with published data. This rigorous validation process allows us to deliver trustworthy and reproducible results for our clients.

Comprehensive HDAC Evaluation Services: We offer extensive testing services for the common targets of 10 different HDAC subtypes, providing a comprehensive evaluation of HDAC selective inhibitors. Our services include the assessment of selectivity between different HDAC subtypes as well as the evaluation of selectivity for specific subtypes.


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We are a CRO service organization, not a hospital