In Vitro Immunology Assays


In Vitro B Cell Assays

In vitro B cell assays are vital for understanding the role of B cells in the immune system, including their activation, proliferation, and differentiation. These assays enable the detailed study of antibody production, providing insights into how B cells respond to antigens and produce specific immunoglobulins, essential for vaccine development and understanding immune memory. Additionally, they play a crucial role in evaluating the effects of therapeutic agents on B cell function, helping to determine the efficacy and safety of new drugs. In vitro B cell assays also facilitate research into autoimmune diseases, where B cell activity may be dysregulated, and support personalized medicine approaches by identifying biomarkers and tailoring treatments to individual patients.

B Cell Activation and Proliferation Assays

As B cells proliferate, CFSE is diluted among daughter cells, allowing for the assessment of proliferation rates by flow cytometry. CD69 is an early activation marker on lymphocytes, including B cells. Its expression level increases shortly after activation.

Plasmablast Antibody Production Assays

A targeted assay for autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or multiple sclerosis (MS). This assay focuses on evaluating the production of immunoglobulins IgG and IgM.

Antibody Class Switching Assays

We evaluate the process by which B cells change the class, or isotype, of antibody they produce. The assay typically measures the switch from the production of IgM, the first antibody isotype expressed by naive B cells, to IgG, a more specialized and abundant isotype found in the immune response to pathogens.

Antigen Presentation

Our service involves coculturing B cells with T cells to assess T cell proliferation and activation. This service is designed to evaluate the ability of B cells to present antigens and stimulate T cells, providing crucial insights into immune responses.

Our comprehensive B cell assay services are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and precision, providing you with the essential data needed to drive your research forward. Partner with ICE Bioscience to unlock the full potential of your immunological studies.

Contact Us

We value your inquiries and are here to provide you with tailored solutions for your drug discovery and development needs. Whether you have questions, require more information, or are interested in discussing potential collaborations, our team of experts is just a message away.
Feel free to reach out to us.

We are a CRO service organization, not a hospital