Cell Based Assays


Cell Cycle Assay Services

The cell cycle is a fundamental process through which cells grow, replicate their DNA, and divide. Abnormalities in cell cycle regulation are closely linked to various diseases, including cancer. The Cell Cycle Assay is a powerful tool used to analyze the distribution of cells across different phases of the cell cycle—G1, S, G2, and M phases—allowing researchers to understand how various factors, such as drugs or genetic modifications, impact cell proliferation and growth.

How the Cell Cycle Assay Works

Staining and Detection: Cells are typically stained with DNA-binding dyes such as propidium iodide (PI) or DAPI, which bind to cellular DNA. The amount of DNA in each cell correlates with the phase of the cell cycle they are in. Flow cytometry is then used to detect and quantify the fluorescence intensity, which corresponds to the DNA content of the cells.

Phase Distribution Analysis: The resulting data allows for the determination of the percentage of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. This can reveal whether a population of cells is proliferating normally, is being arrested in a specific phase, or is undergoing apoptosis.


Figure: Analysis of Cell Cycle Distribution in Cells Treated with PF-06873600 (CDK2/4/6 Inhibitor) and DS-8201 (HER2-targeted ADC). The histograms display the distribution of cells across different phases of the cell cycle (G1, S, and G2) after treatment with PF-06873600, a CDK2/4/6 inhibitor, and DS-8201, a HER2-targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC). The percentage of cells in each phase (%G1, %S, %G2) is provided, alongside metrics such as Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) and Coefficient of Variation (CV) for the G1 and G2 phases. The bar charts on the right further illustrate the proportion of cells in each phase, enabling a comparative analysis of the effects of these targeted therapies on cell cycle progression.

With our advanced technology and experienced team, we provide reliable and detailed cell cycle analysis that drives your research forward. Whether you’re studying cancer biology, testing new drug candidates, or conducting basic research, our Cell Cycle Assay services offer the precision and insights you need to achieve your scientific goals.

Contact Us

We value your inquiries and are here to provide you with tailored solutions for your drug discovery and development needs. Whether you have questions, require more information, or are interested in discussing potential collaborations, our team of experts is just a message away.
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