In Vitro Immunology Assays


Macrophage and Monocyte Assays

Macrophages and monocytes play essential roles in the immune system, contributing to pathogen defense, tissue repair, and inflammation regulation. Recent advancements in immunology have highlighted their significance in chronic diseases, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, making them key targets for therapeutic research. We offer in vitro macrophage and monocyte assay services that provide comprehensive insights into their functions, aiding the development of innovative treatments.

Macrophage Differentiation and Polarization Assays

Our service provides in-depth analysis of macrophage functionality, focusing on their differentiation from precursors and subsequent polarization into M1 (pro-inflammatory) and M2 (anti-inflammatory) phenotypes. Utilizing flow cytometry, we assess the expression of specific surface markers and cytokines characteristic of each phenotype - CD80 and CD86 for M1, and CD206 and CD163 for M2. Additionally, our service evaluates the dynamic capability of macrophages to shift between M1 and M2 states.

Tumor Associated Macrophages (TAMs)

With flow cytometry, we can identify TAM populations, characterize their phenotype, quantify their abundance, and assess their activation status within the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, flow cytometry enables us to perform functional assays to evaluate TAM-mediated immunosuppressive activities, cytokine secretion profiles, and phagocytic capacities.

ADCP (antibody-dependent cell phagocytosis)

Our ADCP service utilizes techniques such as flow cytometry and IncuCyte imaging to assess the ability of anti-CD47 or opsonizing antibodies to enhance macrophage phagocytosis of tumor cells. By quantifying macrophage-mediated engulfment of tumor cells in the presence of these antibodies, we provide valuable insights into the efficacy of immunotherapeutic strategies targeting CD47 and tumor-associated macrophages.

Cytokine Profiling Assays

We characterize their cytokine secretion profiles, distinguishing between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory responses.

Receptor Internalization and Trafficking Assays

Our service utilizes advanced confocal microscopy to provide high-content imaging analysis. We examine how macrophage receptors are internalized and trafficked within the cell, offering essential insights into receptor dynamics, signaling pathways, and cellular responses.

Contact Us

We value your inquiries and are here to provide you with tailored solutions for your drug discovery and development needs. Whether you have questions, require more information, or are interested in discussing potential collaborations, our team of experts is just a message away.
Feel free to reach out to us.

We are a CRO service organization, not a hospital