In Vitro Immunology Assays


In Vitro T Cell Assays

In vitro T cell assays are essential for understanding T cell activation, signaling pathways, and proliferation in response to specific stimuli, which is crucial for evaluating immune responses, such as antigen-specific reactions and cytokine production. These assays play a vital role in assessing the efficacy and safety of immunomodulatory drugs, providing insights into potential side effects and supporting the development of targeted therapies. Additionally, they are invaluable for researching disease mechanisms, such as autoimmune conditions and cancer, and facilitating personalized medicine by enabling biomarker discovery and customized treatment approaches based on individual T cell profiles.


T Cell Activation and Cytokine Response Assays    

These assays are designed to measure the activation of T cells, a key component of the immune system, in response to various stimuli. This service is crucial for researchers studying immunology, developing immunotherapies, or investigating the immune response to pathogens.

Antigen-specific T Cell Activation Assays

We provide a robust and reliable method for studying the immune response. These assays are designed to measure the activation of T cells in response to specific antigens, providing valuable insights into immune function and the efficacy of immunotherapies.


T Cell Proliferation Assays

Understanding T cell proliferation is crucial for assessing the expansion of T cells in response to stimulation, an important aspect of immune response in both health and disease.

T Cell Differentiation Assays

Our services include the in vitro differentiation of naïve CD4+ T cells into Th1, Th2, Th17, and Treg subsets. This is achieved by stimulating the TCR in the presence of specific cytokines, allowing for precise modeling of T cell behavior in various immunological conditions.

Natural or Inducible Regulatory T Cell (Treg) Functional Assays

Regulatory T cells (Tregs), including natural (nTreg) and induced (iTreg) types, are crucial for immune balance. Identified by CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ markers, Tregs are now used to treat autoimmune diseases, organ transplants, and cancers. iTregs are derived from naive T cells with specific stimulation and can suppress other immune cells, aiding in therapy evaluation.

Treg Differentiation Assays

We guide the differentiation of naïve T cells into Tregs, confirmed by phenotypic markers such as CD25 and FOXP3 through flow cytometry. Additionally, we test compounds that may influence Treg polarization, providing insights into potential therapeutic interventions.

Treg Suppression Assays

This assay quantitatively evaluates the suppressive capacity of Treg cells on the proliferation of responder T cells (such as CD4+ or CD8+ effector T cells) under co-culture conditions.

Contact Us

We value your inquiries and are here to provide you with tailored solutions for your drug discovery and development needs. Whether you have questions, require more information, or are interested in discussing potential collaborations, our team of experts is just a message away.
Feel free to reach out to us.

We are a CRO service organization, not a hospital