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SPR Services

Biophysical assays directly detect the binding of drugs to their targets, thus occupying a special position in drug discovery. At ICE Bioscience, our biophysical experts employ a range of biophysical technologies to develop assays for different targets, with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) serving as our primary biophysical technology.

SPR is a physical optical phenomenon involving the resonance between electromagnetic waves excited on a metal surface and the incident light waves. SPR technology enables real-time monitoring of active molecule interactions, allowing for the determination of the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD). It also provides the kinetic constants, ka (association rate constant) and kd (dissociation rate constant), which measure the speed of binding and unbinding, respectively. As the gold standard for molecular interactions, SPR is widely used in various stages of pharmaceutical research and development.

Our SPR assays excel in label-free and high-throughput screening, offering comprehensive kinetic studies and precise affinity measurements tailored to a diverse array of applications.

Key Features

1, In-House Proteins: Utilizing our highly active in-house produced proteins, we are capable of conducting a variety of biophysical assays.

2, Versatile Applications: Interaction analysis provides a comprehensive solution enabling ranking, kinetic measurements, affinity determination, epitope binning, concentration assessment, and the evaluation of relative potency. 

3, A Large Range of Biomolecules: We determine the binding of target proteins to multiple molecules, including small molecules, fragments, and targeted protein degraders. 

4, High Sensitivity: Using our state-of-the-art Biacore 8K, we achieve highly sensitive detection with low baseline noise: less than 0.02 RU.

5, High Throughput: A single run can simultaneously screen up to four 384-well microplates. Our assays enable high-quality kinetic characterization of 64 interactions within just 4 hours, allowing for the efficient screening of 2300 molecules in a single day. 

6, Assay Development Support: Our experienced biophysical experts support the assay development of new targets. We provide comprehensive assistance, from designing assays and employing rigorous scientific methods to analyzing your results.

Principle and Workflow


Figure 1. SPR Assay Principle. When plane-polarized light encounters a metal film under conditions of total internal reflection, it initiates the SPR phenomenon. The intensity of the SPR signal is directly influenced by the refractive index of the medium surrounding the sensor chip.


Our SPR Ready-to-use Assays

At ICE Bioscience, we offer both customized SPR services and a wide array of ready-to-use SPR assays, with our selection continuously expanding. 

This dual approach provides several key benefits: Custom SPR services allow us to design and optimize assays specific to your unique targets and research needs, ensuring the highest relevance and accuracy. Our extensive catalog of pre-developed SPR assays provides immediate access to reliable and validated assays, saving you time and resources. 

This combination of customization and readily available options ensures that ICE Bioscience meets the diverse and evolving needs of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.



The nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is involved in the DNA repair process when DNA is damaged. We utilize the SPR to assess the selectivity and binding affinity of PARP inhibitors. Additionally, we offer PARP enzymatic assays, PARP trapping assays, and PARP panel screening services to advance your research on this enzyme family.


Figure 2. SPR result shows the selectivity of PARP inhibitor AZD5305.

SPR Analysis of RAS Family

Contact Us

We value your inquiries and are here to provide you with tailored solutions for your drug discovery and development needs. Whether you have questions, require more information, or are interested in discussing potential collaborations, our team of experts is just a message away.
Feel free to reach out to us.

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